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California Hit-and-Runs: Does Uninsured Motorist Insurance Provide Coverage?

In a word, yes. Generally, if compensation, or maximum compensation, is unavailable elsewhere, a driver’s UM/UIM (uninsured or underinsured motorist) policy applies. These policies are usually good investments. Premiums are usually low and coverage limits are usually high. Additionally, California has one of the highest percentages of uninsured drivers in the county. Moreover, the Golden… Continue reading California Hit-and-Runs: Does Uninsured Motorist Insurance Provide Coverage?

Highlights of A Classic Holiday Hit and Run

Randy Brooks, the troubadour who penned the 1979 classic Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer, probably didn’t intend to write a song that baffles lawyers to this day. But that’s what he did. No one gets too upset when novelty Christmas song characters die. A real-life wrongful death is much different. These incidents usually… Continue reading Highlights of A Classic Holiday Hit and Run

Teenager Struggles to Recover from Hit-and-Run Injuries

In an instant, life turned upside-down for a 14-year-old boy and his family when a hit-and-run driver in a stolen car careened into him. Los Angeles Police Department officers say that the car, a Kia sedan, was taken by four suspects from downtown Los Angeles the same day, and was fleeing from the area when… Continue reading Teenager Struggles to Recover from Hit-and-Run Injuries

How to Handle Hit and Run Accidents?

Are you looking for guidance on how to handle a hit-and-run accident? It’s a scary and stressful situation that many people may not know how to handle. When another driver hits your vehicle and leaves without stopping to exchange information, it can feel overwhelming. But staying calm and knowing the right steps to take is… Continue reading How to Handle Hit and Run Accidents?

Hit-and-Run Driver Kills South LA Community Activist

Police have no leads after a hit-and-run driver struck and killed a prominent community activist as she dropped off Christmas gifts for children at a community center. Witnesses say the 61-year-old victim was crossing the street near the intersection of Broadway and 88th Street on Christmas Eve afternoon. “I was trying to run through the… Continue reading Hit-and-Run Driver Kills South LA Community Activist

Hit-and-Run in West Adams: LA Driver Kills Homeless Man

A tragic < a href="https://ktla.com/news/local-news/man-on-bike-killed-by-hit-and-run-driver-in-los-angeles-crosswalk/">hit-and-run accident claimed the life of a homeless man in his 50s, in the West Adams neighborhood of Los Angeles. This incident sheds light on the vulnerability of bicyclists on city streets and the challenges faced in pursuing justice for victims of such crashes. LAPD investigators added that the man was… Continue reading Hit-and-Run in West Adams: LA Driver Kills Homeless Man

LA Hit-and-Run Caught on Tape

You don’t see this every day. A local television news crew witnessed a hit-and-run while they were reporting about a previous hit-and-run which occurred at the same intersection. As KTLA reporter Gene Kang talked about a previous hit-and-run at the intersection of 84th Street and Hoover, one sedan t-boned another one in the background. As… Continue reading LA Hit-and-Run Caught on Tape

Hit-and-Run Driver Kills One, Injures Three

Police are looking for a driver who triggered a three-vehicle wreck which resulted in multiple injuries and one fatality. Shortly after midnight, an unidentified motorist smacked into a disabled Honda on Interstate 10 in Pomona. The force of the crash pushed the Honda forward and into three people who had exited the disabled vehicle. All… Continue reading Hit-and-Run Driver Kills One, Injures Three