Hakim Injury Law: Personal Injury

Four Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

May 18, 2016

No injury or loss is ever a simple situation. In cases where someone suffers an injury, or some sort of damage, or loses a loved one, all due to the negligence of another, whether it is a person or a business, the following days, weeks, can be time-consuming, exhausting and confusing. Below are 4 reasons why it is a good idea to at the very least consult with an attorney from the very beginning of the process:

The Law. The law concerning personal injury can at times be difficult to comprehend and follow. Misunderstanding even a single part of it, whether it is the procedural safeguards (such as statutes of limitation) or the requirements of establishing a necessary part of the claim (for example: the negligence of the other party or wrongful death), can lead to a weak and unsuccessful claim. Hiring a lawyer, or at least consulting with one, in the very beginning, will help you understand the law surrounding personal injury and help avoid legal pitfalls.

Ready Connections. Whether the claim goes to trial or gets settled, for a favorable outcome, one must present a strong case and support it with evidence. Personal injury attorneys have a ready-built network of professionals who they can utilize to help your case. For example, lawyers work with private detectives who will make sure that all the necessary evidence is collected and preserved (in cases of car accidents, this would include witness statements, pictures, reports, etc.).

Foresight. A good attorney knows the law in question very well and can help you avoid any potential legal problems that you may have had down the road when it comes to personal injury claims. Instead of calling for help after you fall into a potential hole in the road, is it not simply better to take the road with someone on your side who can smooth the way.

Equal Standing. Personal injury claims can potentially involve a lot of money and the other party is unlikely to give it up without a fight. Therefore, no matter whom you are facing, a person, a business or maybe even an insurance company, more likely than not, the other party will have legal representation. Though self-representation in personal injury cases is a perfectly viable option, you will likely find yourself at a disadvantage as the attorneys representing the other side will do whatever they can to limit their liability and lower your recovery. An attorney of your own will help you better represent your interests.

Photo Credit: Storyblocks

Sharona Hakim

Sharona Eslamboly Hakim, Esq. is a successful personal injury attorney and the principal of the Law Offices of Eslamboly Hakim firm in Beverly Hills, California.

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