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Rebel Wilson’s Movie Set Injury: Challenges And Compensation

On a recent Instagram post, Wilson zoomed in on her nose stitches, with the area still looking red but otherwise fine. “I was shooting an independent movie in Savannah, Georgia, and in the middle of a night shoot, my last scene of the movie, I’d done all these kick-ass fight sequences, and then just in… Continue reading Rebel Wilson’s Movie Set Injury: Challenges And Compensation

Insurance Company Defenses Go to the Movies

To obtain compensation for their injuries, car crash victims must establish negligence, or a lack of care, by a preponderance of the evidence. This legal phrase means “more likely than not.” This burden of proof is very low. However, it’s just the minimum requirement. Victim/plaintiffs must have enough evidence to withstand some common insurance company… Continue reading Insurance Company Defenses Go to the Movies