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What Does It Take to Win A Dog Bite Case: Legal Insights And Strategies

Many victims think it doesn’t take much to win a big cash settlement in a dog bite injury claim. Indeed, the average settlement amount for animal attacks has doubled since 2013. However, although substantial compensation is available in these cases, insurance companies don’t give it away like toys on Christmas. Insurance company profits have increased almost as… Continue reading What Does It Take to Win A Dog Bite Case: Legal Insights And Strategies

RIP Larry Parker, the ‘We’ll Fight for You’ Guy

Our longtime colleague, who practiced personal injury law for fifty years and was practically a household name in Los Angeles, was 75. The personal injury attorney, who started his Long Beach-based law practice in 1974, was one of the first lawyers to use mass marketing techniques, including television ads. Those ads made him something of… Continue reading RIP Larry Parker, the ‘We’ll Fight for You’ Guy