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How Can a Vehicle’s Technology Increase a Driver’s Risk?

In the mid 2010s, experts predicted that driverless cars would dominate the roads by 2025. Now, these same experts say the first Level 5 fully-automated vehicles (FAVs) won’t be available until at least 2035, and they may not be common until after the middle of this century, or even later. A report from the California… Continue reading How Can a Vehicle’s Technology Increase a Driver’s Risk?

Driverless Taxis Coming to Southern California

Waymo, the driverless taxi service owned by Google’s parent company Alphabet, is preparing to launch its autonomous cabs in Los Angeles, aiming to enter one of the largest ride-hailing markets globally. The service will operate in areas like downtown L.A., Santa Monica, Koreatown, and West Hollywood. While the company has been mapping the city with… Continue reading Driverless Taxis Coming to Southern California

Legal Responsibility in Self-Driving Car Accidents

No one is sure when fully driverless cars will be on California roadways. Early predictions that they would be common by 2021 were obviously off-base. However, driverless cars are coming eventually. When they do, they will change the legal landscape of negligence law. Many cars already have extensive driver-assist features. So, to an extent, these… Continue reading Legal Responsibility in Self-Driving Car Accidents

Tesla Autopilot Crashes: Dangerous Driving Practices and Legal Implications!

A Fontana man who had posted videos of himself operating his Tesla Model 3 without his hands on the wheel struck an overturned semi-truck on a Southern California highway. According to a 2023 Washington Post analysis of NHTSA data, Tesla’s automated driving features have been linked to over 700 crashes and at least 19 fatalities… Continue reading Tesla Autopilot Crashes: Dangerous Driving Practices and Legal Implications!

Three Cars involved in a Self Driving Car Accident — But Other Driver Was the Cause

Self-driving cars are a recent addition to the busy streets of California but the roads may not be any safer. The latest accident with a self-driving car involved a Chevrolet Bolt in San Francisco. According to SF Gate, the accident involved three cars stopping at a crosswalk. The self-driving Bolt was in the front of… Continue reading Three Cars involved in a Self Driving Car Accident — But Other Driver Was the Cause

Legal Roadblocks for Google’s Self-Driving Cars: Product Liability Concerns

Product liability is a relatively important section of personal injury law. Where products are defective and are also mass-produced, this defect, if dangerous, can conceivably cause injury to quite a few people. There are different types of product defects: design, manufacturing, and ineffective warnings. Where one defect type does not apply, however, another could. Google… Continue reading Legal Roadblocks for Google’s Self-Driving Cars: Product Liability Concerns