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Feds Let More Drowsy Truck Drivers Deliver Their Loads

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration said it would waive some safety rules, including hours of service rules, during the coronavirus crisis. Truckers hauling essential supplies are entitled to an hours of service waiver. This recently-expanded list includes fuel, groceries, medical supplies, manufacturing raw materials, paper products, housing materials, and people necessary to emergency endeavors.… Continue reading Feds Let More Drowsy Truck Drivers Deliver Their Loads

Additional Evidence in Truck Wreck Claims

Proof is critical in truck accident claims, because the victim must establish negligence by a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than not). Additionally, there is usually a direct relationship between the amount of evidence the victim/plaintiff presents and the amount of damages a Los Angeles County jury awards. Generally, the police accident report forms… Continue reading Additional Evidence in Truck Wreck Claims

Electronic Evidence in Truck Crash Claims

Frequently, the police accident report is the cornerstone of the victim/plaintiff’s evidence in a vehicle collision claim. But that’s not always true. Even the most experienced emergency responder is not an accident reconstruction professional. Instead, first responders do the best they can with the limited information available at the time. Furthermore, if the victim was… Continue reading Electronic Evidence in Truck Crash Claims

Truck Driver Legal Rights: Understanding Protections on the Road!

Truck driving is an active business, at times requiring strenuous schedules to get the work done. What you may not be aware of is that some of these schedules may not be strictly 100% legal. Truck involved accidents can lead to major damage and severe injuries. Driver fatigue is one of the leading causes for… Continue reading Truck Driver Legal Rights: Understanding Protections on the Road!

Common Causes Of Truck Accidents

Common Causes of Truck Accidents Truck accidents are more common than many people may think, and they can have devastating consequences due to the sheer size and weight of commercial vehicles. Over the past two decades, the number of truck-involved accidents has risen by 20%. While trucks only make up about 3% of injury-involved accidents,… Continue reading Common Causes Of Truck Accidents