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A jury will soon her testimony in a case that could affect the legal landscape of sexual abuse cases for some time to come.
The lawsuit accuses Shunichi Fujishima, a USA Swimming coach at a Stockton club, of abusing a girl who had just turned 12 years old. A judge recently sentenced Fujishima to twelve years in prison for his misconduct with the young lady.
But the trail does not end there. According to documents, USA Swimming was fully aware of Fujishima’s misconduct. At one point, a senior executive sent Fujishima an email which stated “you agreed on the phone that your behavior could be perceived as inappropriate and told me that it won’t happen again.” Yet his name was not added to a list of potential sexual predators.
Swimming coach and Fujishima’s attorney Gilbert Somera denied that USA swimming was responsible and blamed the parents. “How is the big body of USA Swimming responsible for something that happens on a small local level?” he insisted. “What makes you believe you can just drop your kids off, without the checks and balances of being a parent.”
Assault and abuse comes in many forms. Indeed, California law defines the term “sexual battery” very broadly. It includes any of the following:
Note that intentionally touching the other person with the intent to arouse sexual gratification is not an element of civil sexual battery. That’s usually only an element in criminal court. Furthermore, the burden of proof in civil court is much lower than it is in criminal court. In civil court, victim/plaintiffs need only establish any form of sexual battery by a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than not).
Because of the low burden of proof in these situations, the victim/plaintiff’s own testimony may be enough to establish sexual battery. That may be true even if the abuser denies the claims.
Morally, abusers are definitely responsible for their own misconduct. But legal responsibility is a different matter. The law often focuses on organizations which are in a position to stop injuries but do nothing to prevent them. Particularly in unequal power abuse cases (e.g. priest-parishioner and therapist-patient), the organizations which employ predators are in a good position to stop abuse.
That prohibition is not absolute. No one says that people with certain backgrounds cannot volunteer at certain organizations. They simply cannot be around children.
Background-related abuse often involves the negligent hiring theory. “Hiring” has a very broad meaning in this context. Allowing a person to volunteer constitutes hiring. Providing a person with a place to work probably constitutes hiring as well. The basic elements of negligent hiring are:
Special rules may apply if the background is a criminal conviction. Other similar theories include negligent retention, negligent supervision, and negligent training.
If an organization is legally responsible for abuse, the damages usually include compensation for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as emotional distress. In extreme cases, additional punitive damages may be available as well.
This case raises critical questions about the responsibility of large organizations in preventing abuse. USA Swimming’s failure to take swift action in removing an alleged predator from their ranks may reflect broader issues in the industry. By allowing coaches with questionable backgrounds to continue working with vulnerable athletes, USA Swimming and other similar organizations may be exposing themselves to liability.
Victims of sexual abuse have legal options, and those who have experienced abuse at the hands of trusted individuals or organizations can seek legal assistance to understand their rights and pursue justice. Legal action is essential not
Victims of sexual abuse, especially in cases involving organizations, have a range of legal options available to them. Legal professionals specializing in personal injury and abuse cases can provide crucial support in holding perpetrators and organizations accountable. Whether the abuse happened years ago or recently, you may still have time to pursue a case. Reach out for a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney to explore your options.
Sexual abuse victims have legal options. For a Free Consultation with an experienced Personal Injury Attorney In Los Angeles, contact the Law Offices of Eslamboly Hakim. You have a limited amount of time to act.
Photo Attribution: Petty Officer US Navy [Public domain]