
Workplace Accident Lawyers

Hakiminjurylaw - Workplace Accident Lawyers workers compensation attorneys

Full Compensation For Workplace Accident Injuries

The workers’ compensation process protects employees from the financial burden of medical expenses after a workplace accident. However, the reality is that most workers do not receive adequate coverage. Without the assistance of an experienced Workplace Injury Lawyer in Los Angeles, you could miss out on the opportunity to obtain the compensation you deserve for workplace injuries.

The Workplace Accident Lawyers at the Law Offices of Eslamboly Hakim, we serve clients in Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties who have suffered personal injuries at work. We represent clients with injuries ranging from relatively minor to seriously catastrophic. With more than 23 years of combined experience, our attorneys can help you through all aspects of the process.

The Workers’ Compensation Process

Workers’ compensation was established to protect people who suffer workplace accidents. Most employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance so that their employees will have the costs of their injuries covered. However, the insurance coverage workers receive is almost always inadequate. As a result many are lost in the administrative process. They feel overwhelmed and helpless against their employers, the insurance carriers and the company doctors.

Third-Party Liability

In addition to workers’ compensation, there is another means of compensation in many workplace injury cases. If a third party is involved in the accident that caused your injuries — like an outside vendor, a manufacturer of a dangerous product used in the workplace or a person delivering something to your workplace — we can represent you in a personal injury claim against that party.

Our workers’ compensation lawyers can help you through all aspects of the workers’ compensation process. We will also make sure you get full and fair compensation.

Contact the Workplace Accident Lawyers at the Law Offices Of Eslamboly Hakim

Talk to a San Bernardino Workplace Injury Attorney if you have suffered an accident at work. Schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. Call the Law Offices of Eslamboly Hakim at 800-LAW-TALK (529-8255). You can also contact us online.

Hakim Injury Law: Sharona Profile
Sharona Hakim, Esq.

Sharona Eslamboly Hakim is the principal of the firm.

Call our Beverly Hills office to schedule a free consultation.

Evening, weekend and out-of-office appointments are available on request.

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